Artist SinGh's World Tour

Michigan based stunt painter and Guinness world record holder, Artist Singh is now on a world tour to grafitify the world with his art in a legal way.

This year SinGh plans to display his drawings in various cities including New York City, Miami, Chicago, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, Detroit, Los Angeles, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Paris.

 In sharp contrast to the existing graffiti artists, who have been seen as nuisance and threat to environment, SinGh plans to graffitify legally. He will take permission from property owners in these cities to display his art on their premises. He just wants to take his art to the general public who may never visit art galleries.
"Singh’s Art" is about the innate human desire to express and celebrate life. In tune with his earlier art and stunt shows, the images he will put bring forth the message of balance, harmony and the strong underlying bond between humans and animals.